In 2014, NBCC made the commitment to support programs in obtaining initial CACREP accreditation by providing grants to assist with the associated costs. Since its inception in July 2014, the NBCC and Affiliates Grant for Initial CACREP Accreditation has assisted 47 graduate counseling programs by providing funds throughout the accreditation process. Funds are awarded in three phases: $2,500 for the preapplication phase; $2,500 for the application phase; and $4,000 for the site visit phase.
Of those 47 programs, 33 have obtained CACREP accreditation and several others have submitted applications or have planned site visits.
For the 2023–2024 grant year, awards were made to the following clinical mental health counseling programs:
Eastern Oregon University (La Grande, Oregon)
Emory & Henry College (Marion, Virginia)
University of Mount Olive (Mount Olive, North Carolina)
Upon hearing that the program received the grant award, Eastern Oregon University’s program director responded, “Eastern Oregon University’s Department of Clinical Mental Health Counseling is excited and honored to be a recipient of the 2023–2024 NBCC CACREP grant. We plan to use these funds to progress toward CACREP accreditation under the 2024 standards and contribute to filling the many gaps in mental health services. As a small university serving rural areas in Oregon and beyond, this grant allows our university to redirect funds for accreditation toward other needs. We are incredibly appreciative to the NBCC board for this award and recognition of the work EOU is doing to advance the counseling profession and access to mental health care for all!”
The department chair for Emory & Henry College sent this message: “The Clinical Mental Health Counseling faculty at Emory & Henry College wish to express sincere gratitude to NBCC for choosing our program to receive the grant for initial CACREP accreditation. The CMHC program was designed to meet CACREP standards with a focus on training professionals to work in rural communities through a trauma-informed lens. Receiving this financial support from NBCC to obtain accreditation will allow us the financial freedom to focus expenditures on other program needs.”
The University of Mount Olive’s counseling department chair responded to the news of their grant award, writing: “The University of Mount Olive counseling program faculty and students are extremely grateful for NBCC’s belief in the future of our counseling program by supporting our efforts toward obtaining CACREP accreditation through the award of this grant. CACREP accreditation will ensure that the university and our counseling program continue to grow, providing quality training for new counselors who will serve the varied needs of the diverse communities in which they live and work. Again, thank you for your support!”
Applications for the 2024–2025 grant will be accepted through May 23, 2024. Information on the application process can be found on the NBCC website.